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Marketing Research & Statistics

Social Media Marketing Statistics

We’ve put the same amount of money behind each ads and this was the results.

Metric Table
Metric Video Image Meme Screenshot
Reach (Views) 9040 7232 9150 9890
Clicks 1920 32 120 98
CTR 21.21% 0.44% 1.31% 0.99%
CPC $0.08 $4.69 $1.25 $1.53
Spent $150 $150 $150 $150

Video Ad or Image Ad?

We have collected the data for you

We have run an experiment of different type of advertisiment graphichs on social media to the same target audinece, on the same platform using the same budget. 

Image Ads

We made an professional grapic design of a static image with text on it. 

Video Ads

We hired an editor to create a marketing video with text explanation of the product, and then we marketed it.

Meme Ads:

We found funny meme that connects with what our company’s solution to the problem. Then, we turned it into an ad campaign.

Screenshot Text Ads:

We replied to a tweet from a happy customer in a funny way, took a screenshot of it, and used it as an ad campaign on other social media platforms.

These were the results:

Metric Table
Metric Video Image Meme Screenshot
Reach (Views) 9040 7232 9150 9890
Clicks 1920 32 120 98
CTR 21.21% 0.44% 1.31% 0.99%
CPC $0.08 $4.69 $1.25 $1.53
Spent $150 $150 $150 $150

The Video Ad got seen by the most people and a good number of them clicked on it, which made the cost for each click cheaper, even though $150 was spent.


The Image and Meme Ads didn’t reach or get clicked on by as many people, and the Image Ad was expensive for each click.


The Screenshot Ad did okay in reaching and getting clicks, and it wasn’t too expensive for each click.


Even though the spending was the same for all ad types, the Video Ad was the best at reaching people and getting them interested, so it might be the best one to pick for this ad campaign.

Social Media Marketing Tools

Get Perfomance Insight

Social media marketing tools are essential for businesses aiming to streamline their online presence and engage with their target audience effectively. These tool encompass a range of applications designed to simplify tasks such as content scheduling, analytics tracking, social listening, and performance measurement. 

Ad manager

Ad Manager

Duplicate ads effortlessly across social platforms, saving time on creation.

Ad Analytics

Seamlessly analyze and compare ad campaigns across platforms for valuable insights.

Ad Campaigns

Easily create ads and let AI generate your ad copy for better results.

target audience

AB Testing Tools

Run different variants of ads to the users at random and use statistical analysis to determine which variation performs the best.

edit ads

Multi-Platform Management

Create and manage Ads on multiple social platforms from one single place.