🚀 Try adsonik with 5 free ads – No payment required! 🚀

Ad Manager for
Facebook ads

Launch your ad campaign, analyze data and improve advertisement.
With our all-in-one ad manager tool.

✓ First 5 ads for free ✓ No credit card required ✓ Cancel anytime

Ad manager of leading social platforms

facebook ads manager
google ads manager
twitter ads manager
Linkedin ads manager

Boost Your Ad Campaigns

Ad manager

Ad Manager

Duplicate ads effortlessly across social platforms, saving time on creation.

Ad Analytics

Seamlessly analyze and compare ad campaigns across platforms for valuable insights.

Ad Campaigns

Easily create ads and let AI generate your ad copy for better results.

Optimize with A/B Testing Tool

target audience

AB Testing Tools

Run different variants of ads to the users at random and use statistical analysis to determine which variation performs the best.

edit ads

Efficient Editing

Quickly edit and analyze your ad campaigns using A/B testing tools for improved ROI.

Multi-Platform Management

Create and manage A/B testing on multiple social platforms from a single place.

Unlock Your Campaign Analytics

Get a better overview over your ads performance

Easy to Use Interface

Access and analyze your data effortlessly with our intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

Data Visulization

Make informed business decisions with valuable insights presented in clear and practical visualizations.

A/B Testing

Improve performance with data-driven A/B testing.

Launch Your Ad Campaigns

Manage your Social media
Ads from one place

Our users have successfully increased their ad campaigns

0 x
Reach higher ROAS
0 %
Spend less by avoiding useless ads

The use case of Adsonik

A/B Testing

With our A/B Testing tool you can create variation of ads and marketing campaigns on the different social platforms.

Create & Manage Ad Campaigns

Create new ads directly from your adsonik account to all your social platforms.

Analytics overview of Ad performance

With our ads analytics tool you get a great overview of you ads perfomance to quickly be able to take action accordingly. Compare your campaigns side by side.